Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm Going to Count to THREE

We were talking today in during our play date on the merits of time-outs vs. spankings, pops, talking-to's, whatever you may categorize the "punishing of your little angel that holds their halo's on their heads with horns" and it occurred to me that I have started using the phrase "I am going to count to three" expecting Chase to understand that once I am done counting, repercussions will occur, consequences will be faced and havoc will be reaped, not - "can we count to four mommy - one, two, three, four" with a see, aren't you proud of me smile on his face all the while he is thinking it was a fun, if not short and boring game for him ...

"I am going to count to three" means serious business in mommy language, and he is in big-time trouble and low and behold, eurekia - I realize that my doodle bug has just learned to count and loves to count out loud whenever possible, so why did I figure that this particular phrase would make an impression of punishment?

I have discovered that while using the phrase in a "mommy is not very happy and we are not playing a game" voice, Chase knows that he is in trouble but he still wants to count for me (sometimes up to ten, he is quite the budding genius) and then he will stop counting and listen then to mommy be upset with him - and all the time making mommy feel like a complete heel for wanting to stop him from counting and not letting his educational skills blossom while in the mist of punishment - no mother of the year awards heading my direction soon I am sure

So I have learned that I need to save the "I am going to count to three" phrase for later when he is not so excited about counting and numbers and pull another phrase out of my vast repertoire (especially one that my mom used a lot - one that i never would have thought i would EVER use on my own kids)


Sarah said...

Counting to 3 is big in our house too, but wonderful Mommy that I am, I don't even think about the stifling of my child's learning as I get frustrated when he finishes the count for me

Apple Blossom Prints said...

You crack me up! I am always happy when I only have to count to 2. It's that darn 3 that always makes me mad. If the kids would just start listening on 1...but no! They still make me go ahead and say 2 for the fun of it.

Amy said...

Too funny !!! I hear ya on the counting thing, it just doesn't work for my angel. We're a timeout family !!

Daddy & Chaser

Daddy & Chaser
Becoming a Man - The Early Years

Chase on Mommy's Popo's Tractor

Chase on Mommy's Popo's Tractor
Chase's Great- Popo's Tractor displayed at the 2008 HLSR